Sunday, 4 December 2011

Saw Cinderella in a party dress.

Sure it's December, and sure I'm counting the days until my pre-Christmas paycheque, but that's because I've been buying gifts for other people - not for me! I know, right, I'm not the person I thought I was either.

So for all the parties and dos coming up, I'm mostly planning to wear clothes I already own. For my work Christmas do, it's a gorgeous Warehouse dress I got in the sale two years ago (I'm sure you'll see it on here soon!) and for New Years, probably the sparkly New Look dress I picked up a few months back. But my workplace and my Twitter timeline is full of people trying to find outfits to wear for the party season, and I keep finding myself called into action. My dress radar is especially active at this time of year. (boop boop boop)

Anyway, I was asked to do a bit of a post on the best party dresses out there and as this meant a night of exploring the internet for dresses... um, yeah, I was up for that. And then I got carried away. So I present to you... THE 57 BEST PARTY DRESSES OUT THERE!!

Dear Santa - All of the below, please. Size 12. Ta.

H by Henry Holland at Debenhams £48 (reduced!) - I made my pink-loving colleague buy this one!
Debut at Debenhams £66.50 (reduced!)
Debut at Debenhams £57 (reduced!)

Oasis £70
Warehouse at Debenhams £40 (reduced!)
Oasis £60

These three are on when-they-go-in-the-sale watch:
Oasis £120 
Oasis £120
Oasis £84.99

New Look £20 (reduced!) 
Warehouse £80
Warehouse £70 - love that back detail!

Dorothy Perkins £20 (reduced!)
Warehouse £30 (reduced!)
Dorothy Perkins £27.70 (reduced!)

Dorothy Perkins £31.50 (reduced!)
Dorothy Perkins £38 (desperately want to try this on)
Dorothy Perkins £45

Dorothy Perkins £28
Topshop £46 - also on SaleWatch!
Topshop £60
Topshop £58
Topshop £42
Topshop £42
Topshop £65
Topshop £32
Topshop £55
Very £69
Very £69
Very £79 (wish I could pull this one off!)
Very £49 (reduced!)
Oasis at ASOS £55
A|Wear at ASOS £60

A|Wear at ASOS £50
Paprika at ASOS £26 (reduced!) - this one is definitely on my Christmas list...
Paprika at ASOS £27 (reduced!)

ASOS £30
ASOS £40 (how stunning is that neck embellishment?)
ASOS £45

ASOS £45
ASOS £52.50 (reduced!)
ASOS £55

Missguided £23.99
Missguided £21.99
Boohoo £20

Boohoo £30
Bohoo £20
Boohoo £20

Boohoo £20
Boohoo £25 (LOVE this one)
Boohoo £15

Boohoo £15
Boohoo £15
Boohoo £25

Boohoo £20
Boohoo £20 (really wish this would come back in stock in my size!)
Boohoo £20 (I NEED THIS)

Just so you know, all the prices and stock were fine when I composed this - lots are reduced though which may not last! Oh, and click the photos to go to the product page. That took flipping ages. :)


  1. Urgh I want them all! Damn you!

    Except not, because you bring me the pretty, obviously!

  2. cor blimey, this really must have taken you ages! i absolutely adore the very maxi cape dress, it's beautiful! now to find a spare £79...


  3. this is like my favourite post ever! my overdraft is crying at just the thought haha... xxx

  4. So many beautiful dresses! I love the pink polka dot one.

  5. Too many gorgeous dresses, I want all of them! Especially loving the Oasis sequin skater dress, not loving its price tag however!

    Gillian x

  6. Wow, so many beautiful dresses! I honestly wish my wardrobe was filled with just fabulous dresses, tights, and cardigans. I do have my fair share but of course there is always room for more, especially when so many gorgeous dresses such as these are out there.

    I love the first two, omggg, I'm really coveting pink lately.


  7. Thanks again for this post! I've just ordered this one:

    AND it's gone down to £40 =D

    x x x

  8. I have that red Topshop one with the black bead collar, CAN'T WAIT to wear it for the Xmas party :) Fab post!

  9. Oh Oasis, why so fricking expensive?!

    I have my Christmas party frock all sorted out (need to purchase control pants though as it's rather snug) but I'm always up for a bit of sale stalking to stock up on bargains.

  10. This is such an amazing post! I love your taste in dresses, and pretty much want all of these now... You've got such an amazing eye for a good frock, I bloody wish they'd let you style Jesse Little Mix too! x

  11. I love dustland fairytale. Such a good song.

    And I love the first boohoo and the third very dresses! Wish I had the cash haha.


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